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Chronicling all of our blogs, newsletters, press coverage, wins, and reports.

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Wins Eric Doherty Wins Eric Doherty

Win! Victoria takes another small step to make transportation, and housing, affordable and sustainable.

At the urging of Greater Victoria Acting Together (GVAT), Councillor Jeremy Loveday made a motion to allign “the City of Victoria’s vehicle kilometres travelled targets with the targets within the Clean BC plan.” On June 9th Council voted unanimously in favor. This is an important step as the BC government’s CleanBC target is much stronger than Victoria’s present target for replacing automobile traffic with public transit, walking, rolling, and cycling.

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Wins Eric Doherty Wins Eric Doherty

Win! Victoria and Saanich vote unanimously for Rapid Affordable Housing

This month Victoria City Council voted unanimously in favor of the Rapid Deployment of Affordable Housing policy, which will expedite and lower the cost of building affordable non-profit, government and cooperative housing. “This makes Victoria the first municipality in B.C. to approve an accelerated process for affordable housing city-wide.”

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Wins Eric Doherty Wins Eric Doherty

Win for Former Youth in Care!

The 2022 provincial budget announced in February contained an exciting announcement: $35 million will be spent over three years to help former youth in care, almost half of whom experience homelessness within one year after they age out of foster care at age 19.

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