GVAT Newsletter: GVAT Financial Support, The Village Workshop, Training Team Recruitment & More
Table of Contents
GVAT Financial Support
The Village Workshop
Organizer's Update
Strategic Updates
Seniors for Climate Recap
Training Team Recruitment
Climate Win
Transit Win! GVAT’s work to get bus lanes for BC Transit’s proposed RapidBus network built has produced a big win with $95 million committed to Highway 1 bus lanes to the Westshore. And the City of Victoria met the September 1st deadline for 24/7 bus lanes on Douglas that GVAT requested. GVAT celebrated the $95 million committed to Highway 1 bus lanes with this letter in the Times Colonist. Check out the blog here.
Housing Wins
Vacancy Control Win! Thanks to the initiative of Victoria Councillor Susan Kim, vacancy control has been endorsed by the delegates at the Union of BC Municipalities at their latest convention, bringing us a step closer to Real Rent Control in BC. The campaign for vacancy control has grown significantly in the last year thanks to the hard work of our Housing ART, our member organizations in the BCGEU and UVSS who have organized around this policy in other parts of the province, as well as our volunteer supporters.
Another Housing Win! Saanich has implemented the rapid non-market housing policy Mayor Dean Murdock committed to at our housing assembly in 2022. Check out the article here.
Next, the housing team will be sending letters to the new provincial government to push for vacancy control and a few other policy priorities after reviewing progress against our original Homes for All policy wish list from 2022. Our aim is to add GVAT voices to influence the mandate letter that will outline the priorities of the incoming Housing Minister.
Support Reconciliation for GVAT by joining the Village Workshop November 16th, 2024
Join other GVAT folks and community members at the Village Workshop hosted by Broad View United church on Nov 16 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. The workshop is designed and led by Kathi Camilleri, a member of the Métis Nation of B.C., who has worked in facilitation, counselling and coordinating Aboriginal community programs for more than 25 years and has offered this workshop dozens of times on Vancouver Island and across Canada.
The workshop engages participants physically and emotionally in the shared experience of colonization from a First Nations perspective. It is not intended to generate blame or shame, but to build deeper understanding and to recognize and connect to the shared healing that is already underway. Learning outcomes for the workshop include:
A cognitive and emotional understanding of traditional First Nations values
A deep insight into the intergenerational effects of colonization
Methods for creating supportive relationships in a good way
Come and be part of the work GVAT is doing to live out our commitment to reconciliation with First Nations neighbours. Registration fee is $50 (includes lunch), but if this is not affordable we will cover the cost. Just indicate in your registration form that your registration will be paid by GVAT. Register HERE (scroll down to Reconciliation).
Organizer’s Update
David Barrow, lead organizer and Executive Officer of the Industrial Areas Foundation Pacific will be visiting us from November 20th-25th. Importantly, he will be helping our leaders run a Foundations of Community Organizing training. As practical as it is theoretical, we teach the tools to start building public relationships, and working through the organizing cycle to solve problems in our communities.
This is a free, day-long intensive for all GVAT member organizations occurring November 23, 2024 (9 - 2:30pm) at Broad View United. There will also be a 90 minute preparatory session on Zoom November 19th, 2024 at 7pm to cover important concepts for training. We have limited registration, so act fast! Register Here.
Strategic Updates
At our most recent strategy meeting, delegates approved new terms of reference for our Strategy Team. Delegates also approved entry into a listening campaign, the creation of a research and engagement team, and the creation of an action team. These changes will be implemented over the next few months. The approved listening campaign will be the first task of the research and engagement team. Send Izzy (izzy@gvat.ca) a note if you are interested in participating in planning our listening campaign.
Training Team
We are recruiting volunteers to be a part of our training team. If you have skills in facilitation, public speaking, education, or you want to build your capacity as a trainer, please reach out to Izzy at izzy@gvat.ca.
BCGEU members talk vacancy control with UVIC student.