Keating overpass doesn’t make sense - GVAT letter in Times Colonist
Keating overpass doesn’t make sense
Doubledecker bus in bus lane passes traffic on Highway 1 in Saanich - BC Transit Photo
Re: “Excavators start digging in for long-awaited Keating overpass” July 5th
Half a century ago, when the Keating overpass was proposed along with many other urban highway expansion projects, climate change was not even a consideration. Too many politicians seem to still live in this distant past, despite their lip service to climate action.
In 2019 youth climate strikers pressured Capital Regional District directors to unanimously declare a climate emergency. But there was precious little follow-up.
In 2021 the provincial government set a target of reducing vehicle kilometres travelled by 25 per cent by 2030. Most politicians are choosing to ignore this ambitious target which can only be achieved with decisive action from the province, municipalities, and regional districts.
Bus lanes for RapidBus, and bike and roll route improvements, are stalled for lack of funds, and an inexpensive traffic light would alleviate safety concerns at the Keating intersection.
Spending millions to accommodate more cars makes no sense when our climate plan calls for much less traffic.
Delaying climate action has a high cost in homes, livelihoods, and lives. And better public transit has many benefits, in addition to reducing greenhouse gas pollution.
The provincial vehicle kilometres reduction target isn’t the only important thing politicians need to focus on, but it is a litmus test for commitment to serious climate action.
So far, many politicians aren’t passing the test.
Eric Doherty and Jane Welton
Climate Justice Team co-leads
Greater Victoria Acting Together
Published in Times Colonist on July 10, 2023 -